The manufacturing of fear to convince a population of certain policies is nothing new for the CIA, but the irony in the fact that the only "proof" of Venezuelan or Ecuadoran support for the FARC also proves US support is pretty astonishing. It is also interesting that the funding began in 2005, just as Colombia was gearing up for another Presidential election.
Colombian officials are just beginning to respond to this revelation. Upon learning of the memo's existence, Uribe denied prior knowledge of the CIA's activities but refused to comment on whether this would have an impact on US-Colombian relations. "My government has no knowledge pointing to the authenticity of such a memo," Uribe stated, "and I urge the press to avoid jumping to conclusions."
Chávez, for his part, hailed the memo as "another indictment against the corrupt and morally degenerate imperial policies of the yankees empire."
"Although this type of covert operation would be expected from Mr. Danger," Chávez added, "I find it disappointing that such activities would continue under Obama."
Earlier today, German Mundarain, Venezuela's ambassador to the United Nations, formally denounced the US before the international body and introduced a resolution to have the US designated as a terror-supporting state. "It is time the international community wakes up and sees the US for what it really is," Mundarain told the press, "this type of intervention in the affairs of sovereign states simply cannot continue to be tolerated."
Click on the above image for a better look at the memo.
Fucking idiots.